
This is a resource for languages which revolves around the news. We use  news to help people who are learning English French or Spanish.

The aim is to provide insights into the use of language, and to provide some entertainment and human interest stories.

The jewel in our crown is LingIT, an interactive phrasal verb translator. See the link to the demo in the menu above, it is a work in progress and is free whilst in development, please try it out >>

Front Page

Jeep Safari in Salou

    https://salou-jeep-safari.com   Uncovering the Uncharted: A Journalist’s Review of the Salou Jeep Safari and Land Rover Tour Salou has long been synonymous with

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bird on table avian flu
Current Events

Avian flu

Avian flu, also known as bird flu, is a type of influenza that primarily affects birds. However, certain strains of avian flu can also infect

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super russia shop Salou europe's beach

Salou – Russia’s Beach

Salou, the picturesque seaside town located on the eastern coast of Spain, in the province of Tarragona. Known for its beautiful beaches, vibrant nightlife, and

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