Category: Media

Climate & Weather

Recent Funeral Held for Swiss Glacier

by Taistealai Dozens of Swiss congregated recently in the Glarus Alps of Northeastern Switzerland to mourn the passing of their beloved Pizoli glacier. They had


Ping Pong Invades Long Beach

The LA Open Table Tennis Tournament kicked off its move to Long Beach — and its partnership with the Ping Pong Fit International Festival –


French city of Dunkirk tests out free transport – and it works The city of Dunkirk in northern France launched a revamped bus system last year with a twist – it’s completely free. A new study


Is French healthcare the best in the world? By Taistealaí When it comes to healthcare, the French are very proud of their system. It’s high quality, accessible and affordable. France’s “système de

Climate & Weather

Reunion on Lac Léman

By Taistealaí Poor Geneva has been through a lot over the past decade. I would prefer the Geneva of old to the Geneva of today


The Definition of “Oh, bugger!”

Obviously, there’s a traitor in the group. This brings a new definition of “faceplant”! Don’t ya just hate when this happens? This is what happens


Guns and America

– El Gringo   I am old enough to remember hearing about a quaint hunting rifle association that wanted to protect the rights of hunters