
This is a resource for languages which revolves around the news. We use  news to help people who are learning English French or Spanish.

The aim is to provide insights into the use of language, and to provide some entertainment and human interest stories.

The jewel in our crown is LingIT, an interactive phrasal verb translator. See the link to the demo in the menu above, it is a work in progress and is free whilst in development, please try it out >>

Cycle paths

Safety for Two Wheelers

Cycle paths are dedicated lanes or routes for bicycles, designed to provide safe and efficient transportation for cyclists. They are an important aspect of urban

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donald trump star wealk of fame
Front Page

Donald Trump

Love him or hate him, Donald Trump has been a polarizing figure in American politics and entertainment for decades. From his reality TV show, The

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World of the Weird

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdArJ29vlaM Offbeatnik The world of the weird For the week of NAME DURATION CONTENTS INTRO 11 seconds 3 crashes World of the Weird MethaneSAT

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Beatnik’s Pad – The Commercialization of War

– The Beatnik https://www.opednews.com/articles/THE-COMMERCIALIZATION-OF-W-by-John-Little-080825-133.html   The commercialization of War Throughout history nations have had to defend themselves from their neighboring countries constant desire to expand

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